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A bEaUtiFuL M3Ss

Photo Credit: I Can Walk on Water Publishing, LLC Confidence, Love, Live, Peace, Patience, Hope, Laugh, Elate

Have you ever seen a piece of art that at first glance seemed really messy and you couldn't figure out what the artist was trying to convey, but as you looked at it you began to see the beauty in the mess? Have you ever heard a song and wondered, "What the hell...who is this?", then heard it again and thought, "I think I like's weird, but I can vibe to this." Or have you been trying to solve a problem and it seemed so difficult, but after stepping away for a moment you realized it wasn't that difficult?

These are examples I've used to describe my life at times: messy, weird, and difficult. But after really looking at my life as a work of art I've seen the beauty. I have done my share of complaining, but I've been vibing to this thing. The people I've encountered and difficulties I've faced weren't really that bad (after I dealt with the challenge). The times I had to step back or walk away allowed me to not only see the truth, but the role I played in some of the messiness.

Lord knows there were times I tried to hide the ugly side of what I was going through. But, I'm learning that you must take the good with the bad, turn the ugly into something beautiful, and release the notion that my life was supposed to be perfect. Every relationship I've had and challenges I've faced have molded me into the woman I am today.

Life is going to be unattractive, but instead of always focusing on the messy parts of our lives, let's try to turn the mishmash into something lovely; not based on what someone else thinks, but through our own personal lens.

As we continue to live we will come in contact with new individuals and face new obstacles (it's bound to happen). I find myself looking forward to the beautiful mess. I'm sure I'll complain, fuss, cuss a little, and shed some tears during the process. Yet, I'll become stronger, wiser, more hopeful, more watchful, less apologetic for who I am, more confident, and less inclined to waste time.

I wanted to share this with you because I think we sometimes look at our lives and feel as if we should have more. Society can make us feel

like we should have certain boxes checked by a certain age. We look at other people and wonder why things seem so easy for them. There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to be in a better place: mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. I think we should continuously evolve to become better as we learn more about who we are as individuals. However, I do think it's okay to show yourself some compassion.

As we navigate through the beautiful messes of life, it's important to remember the water we are walking on has a purpose.

If this has resonated with you please leave a comment and or share.

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26 sept. 2023

Good to see you're back 😊

Moneece Borders
Moneece Borders
02 févr.
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Thank you!

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